If you eat, drink, and breathe, there is a good chance you need to detoxify your cells. With today’s processed foods, air pollution, water pollution, and daily medications, it’s hard to comprehend how much toxicity we expose ourselves to on a daily basis.
Toxic, acidic bodies are the ideal environment for viral and bacterial infections, and many diseases thrive. These infections and diseases are unable to thrive in clean, alkaline bodies.
Toxins are responsible for many ache’s and pains, but the biggest responsibility is to causing overall inflammation, which is the precursor to all disease. Cancer, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Tendonitis, Colon Diseases… they can all be prevented and symptoms lessoned by cleansing the body.
We have several methods of detox determined on an individual basis and according to one’s preference and what will be the right FIT for YOU!

Food Cleanse
Though there are several ways to go about a food cleanse, eliminating inflammatory foods slowly and down or quick and building back up… it all comes down to MICRO-NUTRITION, your “oil” in your engine. We have a secret “tool in our box” and its magic… magic inches and weightless, magic pain reliever, magic sleep, magic energy. It only takes 7 days to start, and we will show you why and how, but the true motivation is the inches and weight lost in just one week. Thereafter, we recommend a slow integration plan to determine what your body reacts to and find what it likes. What nourishes the body and what causes “dis-ease.”
Meet Matt and Julie, 2018 TruFIT20 Health Champions. They started with the TruFIT20workout, but soon added the detox and slow integration plan. This is the 12 week difference!

Ion Cleanse Foot Bath
Detoxification is a vital component of any holistic or alternative practice. Since toxicity wreaks havoc on every system of the body, clearing it out will greatly enhance health. Biocompatible electrical frequencies enter the water, eliciting a relaxation response in the body. Concurrently, the electrical frequencies create an ionic field that cleanses and purifies the body through the healing power of ions. The process ionizes the water, as H20 is split into OH- and H+ ions. These ions attract and neutralize oppositely charged toxins. Different colors that you see in the water can relate to different areas that are being purified in the body. Not feeling well? Sit in a warm detox footbath to relieve your symptoms and speed up recovery.
The water starts clear, and is only water in the bucket. After just 5 minutes you will begin to see different colors, and if you are getting a really deep cleanse you will hardly be able to see your feet by the end of the session. And while this seems too crazy to believe, our clients always feel better after one session.