Hot Laser Therapy is a medical procedure that revolves around the use of a non-surgical, painless, and side effect free high power therapeutic laser that delivers a thermal effect because of the large amount of energy it produces. The effects of the laser however are photochemical and not thermal when it comes to the ability to bio-stimulate tissue growth and repair.

The Deep Tissue LiteCure System provides accelerated pain relief, reduces inflammation and rapidly increases healing time. The laser converts light into biochemical energy, which causes symptoms (i.e. pain) to disappear, increases vasodilation (blood supply), and greatly reduces swelling. Improved microcirculation increases the supply of cellular nutrition, promoting tissue repair and remodeling.

Basically, the laser works on a cellular level by focusing its energy to a stimulate cellular metabolism, allowing your body to heal itself at a much faster rate.  Hot Laser Therapy is rapidly increasing in acceptance when treating certain conditions like Neuropathy, failed surgical pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Spinal Stenosis and many other conditions both acute and chronic.

Treatment is 15 Minutes for one session and 30 minutes for 2 sessions.  Normal Costs are $55/session or $75/Double session.  However at TruFIT20 you can use your regular package to pay for a session.  If you are a non TruFIT20 client and just want to do Hot Laser Therapy we offer for first 4 sessions for only $150!

This unique therapy can be used as…

  • An adjunct to prescription drugs
  • substitute for surgery
  • A pre-surgery treatment
  • post-surgery treatment to accelerate healing
  • A long-term pain management system
  • Acute injury treatment

Laser therapy has been adopted as an essential pain management tool by athletic trainers in the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, FIFA and Olympic teams. LiteCure Medical is the preferred laser therapy manufacturer of professional trainers because they deliver consistent results. Elite athletes consistently rejoin the team faster when this energizing treatment is part of the treatment plan. 

What our clients are saying!

“Wow in just one treatment I could finally sleep at night without pain, my tendonitis in elbow from golfing had been killing me. I had to do a few treatments, but I was able to play again without pain, it completely went away. Super awesome.”
“I’ve had chronic neck pain from multiple car accidents a few years ago, and I’ve done everything to keep it stable with chiropractors, new pillows, massage, and nothing has helped it as fast and as great as this Hot Laser Therapy! It was practically gone after the first few sessions, and I now have pain free days!”
“I’m a total sceptic, but when I noticed that I was having problems lifting my left leg and googled my condition, I came to the conclusion that I was possibly dealing with spinal stenosis, so I tried Hot Laser Therapy and I am shocked that after the 1st treatment the leg problem was gone!”
“I have had shooting nerve pain down both of my arms for months, and in one session on my neck the shooting pain stopped, and after 3 sessions the neck is feeling amazing! Hot Laser Therapy is amazing!”
“I had a snowboarding accident and likely had some bruised ribs because I could hardly stand or lay down, which I knew was going to take a long time to heal because I have done this in the past playing hockey. After 3 Hot Laser Therapy treatments, 3 days in a row, I can hardly feel the pain anymore. Three days to heal is incredible!”