FIT is Full Intensity Training that safely pushes your limits to raise your fitness threshold. This incredibly efficient and effective slow motion strength training regime only requires 30 minutes a week!

At TruFIT we believe ultimate health starts with food. We do not believe that there is a perfect diet out there that can be so black and white, because the human race is a genetic pool full of a much larger variety.

If you eat, drink, and breathe, there is a good chance you need to detoxify. We have several methods of detox determined on an individual basis and according to one’s preference and what will be the right FIT for YOU! We offer Prolon, a Nutritional Food Cleanse, and the Ion Cleanse Foot Bath.

TRUFIT20 Hot Laser
The Deep Tissue LiteCure System provides accelerated pain relief, reduces inflammation and rapidly increases healing time. The laser converts light into biochemical energy, which causes symptoms (i.e. pain) to disappear, increases vasodilation (blood supply), and greatly reduces swelling.

TRUFIT20 Pilates
At TruFIT we believe ultimate health starts with food. We do not believe that there is a perfect diet out there that can be so black and white, because the human race is a genetic pool full of a much larger variety.

TRUFIT20 Hypervibe
Vibration therapy has been proven to increase the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout your body, leading to the numerous benefits. It has also been shown to improve strength, balance and weight loss, reduce stress and recovery time from workouts, falls, or injuries.
The following are general guidelines for high intensity training.
Remember the specific volume and frequency of training and exercise selection should be modified to suit the individual, according to level of conditioning, response to exercise, and goals.
- Beginners should perform no more than three workouts per week on non-consecutive days. Advanced trainees should work out less frequently, not more.
- Do between two and twelve exercises addressing all major muscle groups. If a higher number is performed, limit the total number of compound/large muscle group movements to no more than half the exercises performed.
- Only one set per exercise done to momentary fatigue, this stimulates the growth hormone.
- The number of repetitions is not important; we simply time how long you are on the machine. Anything longer than 3 minutes gets an increase in weight.
- Progression: Increase the resistance used during an exercise by approximately five percent whenever you are able to complete the highest number of your repetition range in strict form.
- The Speed of Motion is the most important: Move slowly enough to maintain strict control over the movement, we allot for a cadence of anywhere between 8-12 seconds in the positive motion and 8-12 seconds in the negative, avoiding any fast, jerky, inconsistent movements.
- Range of Motion: Use a full range of muscle and joint function.
Full Intensity Training is a form of increasing resistance exercise identified by a high level of effort and reasonably short and infrequent workouts, instead of typical training methods consisting of low to moderate levels of effort and more lengthy, more frequent workouts. Nautilus founder Arthur Jones helped define and universalize high intensity training in the 1970’s, often summarizing the general philosophy as “… train harder, but train briefer” or “… train harder, but train less often”.

One of the most fundamental principles of exercise is overload. In order to stimulate increases in muscular strength and size you must require a demand on the muscles that is more significant than they accustomed to. The more challenging, or more intense an exercise is, the greater the degree of overload and the more effective the exercise.
During high intensity training exercises are typically performed with all-out effort until it is impossible to perform another repetition in good form. While training to muscular failure is not necessary to stimulate increases in muscular strength and size, it ensures one has done all they can for that purpose. Some people believe regularly training to muscular failure is too stressful on the body– specifically the central nervous system– however this is not a problem as long as the volume and frequency of training are not excessive.
High intensity training methods vary when it come to the specific style, speed, and number of repetitions performed, as well as the number of exercises and frequency of workouts, but all emphasize working as hard as possible.
There is an inverse relationship between the intensity and the volume of exercise a person can perform. The greater the effort put into a workout, the shorter the workout must be to avoid overstressing the body. High intensity training workouts typically require around 30 minutes, and some “consolidation routines” may take fewer than 10 minutes to complete.
The appropriate amount of exercise varies significantly between individuals based on genetics, age, and lifestyle factors such as quality and amount of nutrition and rest, in addition to the specific training goals. Athletes or trainees with physically demanding jobs or lifestyles must also balance their training volume against the amount of other physically demanding activities they perform to avoid overtraining.
Full Intensity Workouts place a significant amount of what is perceived as stress on the body. Exercising too frequently, without allowing the body adequate time between workouts to recover, will eventually result in overtraining and a absence of progress.
The majority of people on a full intensity training program should not train more than three non-consecutive days per week. More advanced trainees working at a much higher level of intensity or older trainees and others who don’t recover as quickly may get better results training even less frequently. Most high intensity training methods involve a starting frequency of two or three workouts per week, which may be adjusted depending on the trainees’ progress.

Age-related sarcopenia can lead to severe wasting of the structures, and many of the waistline muscles are at the front line of this insidious assault.
Today, over 65 million Americans suffer from back pain. In fact, back pain represents the second most common reason that anyone visits the doctor. Quizzically, treating back pain has become the ire of physicians because there is often so little that they can do to help. Most doctors prescribe passive therapies like NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or muscle relaxants. Others do nothing at all for this common ailment, citing that the greater majority of back pain will resolve itself over time.
But for many, back pain doesn’t resolve itself. As more muscle is lost from inactivity and age, there is diminished range of motion in the spine, which in turn decreases support for any spinal movement as well as decreases overall trunk stability. Eventually, the lower back and waistline muscles become so weak that the surrounding structures also begin to suffer, leading to greater tension, stress, and a vicious cycle of inactivity and pain. As the muscles shrivel further over time, there is greater likelihood for injury. Ultimately, the condition becomes chronic and sufferers can fall into deep despair wondering if they will ever be able to move with the ease they once enjoyed.
But there is hope. With a comprehensive program of strength exercise for the muscles that extend, flex and rotate the spine, almost everyone can enjoy a strong, pain-free lower back. By stimulating strength in the muscles of the spine, including the numerous rotators, you can create the foundation for a midsection that not only resists injury, but one that can recover much faster, should injury occur.
TruFIT20 Nutrition
At TruFIT we believe ultimate health starts with food. This is not a ‘one-size-fits all’ program that takes a look at the most important components of eating healthy and making new lifestyle habits as it pertains to each individual and their goals. Its unique approach works to eliminate everything from the body, first with a detox, and then slowly adding certain foods and food groups in over a 12 week course and seeing how the body reacts to determine what foods and/or areas an individual will need to pay particular attention to in order to get in their best health and therefore shape ever! We get down to the cleanest eating and educate on why that’s so important. We believe optimal weight loss is a reflection of a healthy body, therefore if you ‘fix’ your health; the weight will come off easily!
We do not believe that there is a perfect diet out there that can be so black and white, because the human race is a genetic pool full of a much larger variety. So this is personal….

If you eat, drink, and breathe, there is a good chance you need to detoxify. With today’s processed acidic foods, air pollution, water pollution, and stresses it’s hard to comprehend how much toxicity we expose ourselves to on a daily basis.
Toxic, acidic bodies are the ideal environment for viral and bacterial infections, and many diseases thrive. These infections and diseases are unable to thrive in clean, alkaline bodies.
We have several methods of detox determined on an individual basis and according to one’s preference and what will be the right FIT for YOU!
A few to mention would be different types of food cleanses, Ion Cleanse Foot Bath, and shake or supplement routes.